The Art of Piano Fingering
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The Art of Piano Fingering contains unique and enlightening explanations of how to finger in the most natural and musical way based on sound ergonomic principles.
Entirely new fingerings are suggested for many scales and arpeggios: this is essential reading for all pianists, piano teachers and piano students.
- Complete fingering charts of all scales and arpeggios for reference, practice and examination preparation
- Clear explanations of the principles of good fingering
- Exercises
- Musical examples
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Purchase The Art of Piano Fingering
A mammoth undertaking is displayed by Penelope Roskell in her new Art of Piano Fingering. Roskell goes deeply and intelligently way beyond any point reached before. I like the presentation, the premise and the price.
Classical Piano
The book is succinct, easy to read and packed with well-chosen examples. It brings a fresh approach to an integral part of piano playing and teaching and should be read by everyone who does either or both.
Piano Journal
A thought-provoking read calculated to stimulate every open-minded teacher – a highly recommendable rethink.
Michael RoundMusic Teacher
This is a very exciting book, challenging many traditional concepts of fingering for the piano. It is based on logical principles, but gives alternatives allowing for individual choice according to size and shape of hand or personal preference. With exercises to encourage students to think for themselves, it is a most valuable and thought-provoking work.
European Piano Teachers Association Newsletter
The book is a provocation to consider all possible fingerings in order to choose the one that best reflects the idiosyncracies of the individual’s hand as well as the desired musical effect. The Art of Piano Fingering provides a fine beginning.
Piano and Keyboard USA
Penelope Roskell’s The Art of Piano Fingering is written with all the insight of an experienced performer and is an invaluable book for pianists of all ages whose ears and minds are still open to new ways of thinking in this essential art
Imogen Cooper
Stimulating and provoking the mind into questioning many established but clumsier fingerings. This book is long overdue and would prove a valuable addition to the literature of the piano student
John Lill